Who is ready for The Canoga Park Youth Arts Center Spring 2024 registration?
There are so many great music and art classes to choose from in this next eight week session, which runs from April 8th to June 1st, 2024.
We have classes for the littlest ones…
Mid-day Mondays Sam Bibo teaches the under-5 set. Caretaker & Me Music Class (11:30am-12pm) fosters a love of music for 8month-2 year olds and their caretakers. The Pre-K Music Appreciation (12:30-1pm) class teaches 2-5 year olds about music from around the world, the great composers, the changing seasons, and more!
On Saturday Mornings, Brie Luff teaches a caretaker/child class on Doing Art Together (10-10:45am) which explores children's creativity and awesome collaborative art projects. Brie's Dance and Movement class (11:15-11:45am) gets kids dancing their hearts out to a multitude of different music. Both classes are suggested for 3-5 year olds.
There are afterschool classes for art lovers of all levels..
On Mondays Mik Milman teaches teens the fundamentals of Photography (4-6pm). Monica Juarez teaches young artists (9-12) about creative expression by using the building blocks of Ceramics (5-630pm)
On Tuesdays, Monica shows 6-9-year-olds how to draw and sculpt all forms of vehicles in Planes, Trains, Cars, and More! (3:30-5pm). Georgia Albert takes students on a journey using ceramics, drawing, and collage to visit Art Movements Through Time (3:30-5pm). Gentatsu Sakakibara teaches teens how to draw and develop Japanese Anime (4-6pm).
On Wednesdays, Liz Gamma's Wearable Art (3:45-5:15pm) class shows 6-9-year-olds how to make unique projects that bridge artistic expression and wearable design. Geoff Seelinger's Art Explorations (3:45-5:15) class investigates various forms of artistic expression and introduces foundational art world ideas to 9-12-year-olds.
On Thursdays, Geoff's Teen Painting (5:30-7:30pm) class offers guided instruction and independent study in painting, drawing, and more.
We have afterschool classes for music lovers of all levels and instruments…
On Mondays, rhythm-minded kids come out to learn how to play drums with Richard Gowen. Beginning Drums (3:30-4:30pm) teaches 8-15-year-olds the fundamentals of keeping a beat. Intermediate Drums (4:30-5:30pm) introduces more complex patterns and tools for playing with an ensemble for 9-17-year-olds
On Tuesdays, keyboardists come out for Daniel Rolnik's piano classes. Young Beginning Piano (2-3pm) for 7-10 year-olds learning keyboard basics. Intermediate Piano (3:15-4:15pm) explores scales, chords, and two-handed playing for 7-15-year-olds. Teen Beginning Piano (4:30-5:30pm) teaches teenaged pianists how to play some of their favorite songs and create original melodies.
On Wednesdays, Josh Heller shows 10-17-year-olds the fundamentals of synthesis, sequencing, sampling, and so much more in Music Technology (4-6pm)
On Thursdays, Uke-minded 6-10-year-olds can learn this instrument from Sam. Beginning Ukulele (3:30-4:30pm) teaches techniques for getting started and having fun. Ukulele Ensemble (4:45-5:45pm) shows 6-12-year-olds more complicated pieces and how to perform together as an ensemble. Daniel teaches teens how to rock-out in Rock Guitar (4:45-5:45pm). Also on Thursdays, Josh teaches an Intro to Making Podcasts (6-7:30pm) for anyone curious about telling stories through audio.
On Fridays, Daniel is back for Intermediate Band (4:30-6pm) a place for teen multi-instrumentalists to play with others in a variety of genres.
All classes in this eight week session are $40, per student.
To register online visit our "Canoga Park Youth Arts Center" Eventbrite page.
Online Registration opens Sunday, March 24th (from 6pm-12am.) To secure your spot, please come into the office and pay cash or check on March 25th-28th between 10:30am-6pm.
You're able to register in person on one of the payment days if you aren't able to register online.
We here at the Canoga Park Youth Art Center look forward to seeing you this spring!